Serveis Òptics

Oferim serveis d'òptica i assessorament personalitzat per a l'elecció d'ulleres adequades.

Exàmens Visuals

Realitzem exàmens visuals complets per avaluar la salut ocular i la necessitat de correcció.

Assessorament Personalitzat

El nostre equip t'ofereix assessorament personalitzat per trobar les ulleres que millor s'adaptin a tu.

Comptem amb una àmplia varietat de muntures i lents per satisfer totes les teves necessitats visuals.

Varietat de Productes
A pair of clear eyeglasses with brown temples rests on a light-colored surface, with blurred green foliage in the background. The glasses have a distinctive round frame design typical of classic optical styles.
A pair of clear eyeglasses with brown temples rests on a light-colored surface, with blurred green foliage in the background. The glasses have a distinctive round frame design typical of classic optical styles.
Shelves display various styles and colors of eyeglasses arranged neatly in rows against a white background with perforated holes.
Shelves display various styles and colors of eyeglasses arranged neatly in rows against a white background with perforated holes.

Òptica General

Oferim serveis òptics i venda d'ulleres personalitzades.

A sunglasses store display with multiple stands showcasing various styles of sunglasses. The walls are adorned with stylized black and white illustrations of people wearing sunglasses. The stands are cylindrical and display both aviator and sporty designs in different colors. The surrounding area appears to be well-lit, reflecting a modern retail environment.
A sunglasses store display with multiple stands showcasing various styles of sunglasses. The walls are adorned with stylized black and white illustrations of people wearing sunglasses. The stands are cylindrical and display both aviator and sporty designs in different colors. The surrounding area appears to be well-lit, reflecting a modern retail environment.

1- Revisió anual de la seva vista.
En el cas dels nens, cada sis mesos.

2- Demani la màxima informació,
per cada cas hi ha la lent adequada,
per pes, gruix, color, orgànic, mineral,
monofocal, progressiu....

3- Només a l’òptica li oferiran un servei d’assessorament
per escollir una muntura que s’adapti
a la seva imatge i sigui la millor opció per tenir una visió perfecta.

4- Protecció solar, amb filtres garantits i
adequats per cada usuari segons l’ús i
condició ambiental.

Excel·lent servei i atenció. Les ulleres que són de gran qualitat. Molt recomanables.

Maria López

A wooden display stand holds multiple pairs of eyeglasses, with frames in various colors and styles. Behind the stand, several bottles with droppers, likely containing essential oils or tinctures, are arranged on a wooden surface. A large plant with green leaves partially frames the right side of the image, while a paper with text and an image is visible in the background.
A wooden display stand holds multiple pairs of eyeglasses, with frames in various colors and styles. Behind the stand, several bottles with droppers, likely containing essential oils or tinctures, are arranged on a wooden surface. A large plant with green leaves partially frames the right side of the image, while a paper with text and an image is visible in the background.
A collection of eyeglasses displayed on a well-lit shelf with a warm, ambient lighting effect. The image features multiple pairs of eyeglasses with transparent frames prominently in focus.
A collection of eyeglasses displayed on a well-lit shelf with a warm, ambient lighting effect. The image features multiple pairs of eyeglasses with transparent frames prominently in focus.
